Heart Gifts!-Terry Runyan Creative

Heart Gifts!

Cute cut paper and watercolor cats giving hearts!

Giving Hearts Day is the prompt for the day in the Daily Creating Group!
Come join us. Prompts are optional.
Winter Cat Hats!-Terry Runyan Creative

Winter Cat Hats!

Cute cut paper collage cat hats on women!

Thing on Thing is the prompt for the day at the Daily Creating Group!
Join us! Prompts are optional.
Stripes & DooDads!-Terry Runyan Creative

Stripes & DooDads!

Cute striped watercolor cat with doodad drawings in the background!

Stripes is the prompt for the day at the Daily Creating Group!
Join us! Prompts are optional. https://www.facebook.com/groups/dailycreating
Illuminate!-Terry Runyan Creative


Cute watercolor and ink camel, bird and mouse with candles!

Light is the prompt for the day at the Daily Creating Group!
Join us! Prompts are optional. https://www.facebook.com/groups/dailycreating
Kitty Cart!-Terry Runyan Creative

Kitty Cart!

Cute watercolor cats and mouse in a cut paper collage cart!

Cart is the prompt for the day in the Daily Creating Group!
Come join us. Prompts are optional.
Cat Applique!-Terry Runyan Creative

Cat Applique!

Cute watercolor kitties in a grid pattern.  Kitty Zoom!

Caturday is the prompt for the day at the Daily Creating Group!

Join us! Prompts are optional. https://www.facebook.com/groups/dailycreating

Hedgehogs!-Terry Runyan Creative


Cute watercolor hedgehogs! 

Hedgehog and/or Groundhog's Day is the prompt for the day at the Daily Creating Group!
Join us! Prompts are optional. https://www.facebook.com/groups/dailycreating
Fly By!-Terry Runyan Creative

Fly By!

Cute cut paper cat with cute birds flying by!

Fly is the prompt for the day in the Daily Creating Group!

Come join us. Prompts are optional.
Mitten Kitten!-Terry Runyan Creative

Mitten Kitten!

Cute watercolor cat and bird with mittens in the snow!

Mittens is the prompt for the day at the Daily Creating Group!
Join us! Prompts are optional. https://www.facebook.com/groups/dailycreating
Balancing Act!-Terry Runyan Creative

Balancing Act!

Cute dachshund art balancing balls! 

Balance is the prompt for the day at the Daily Creating Group!
Come join us! Prompts are optional.
Daisy Day!-Terry Runyan Creative

Daisy Day!

Cute watercolor cat, dog and bunny with daisies!

Daisy Day is the prompt for the day at the Daily Creating Group!
Join us! Prompts are optional. https://www.facebook.com/groups/dailycreating
Pattern Crazy!-Terry Runyan Creative

Pattern Crazy!

Cute cut paper white cats in dresses with a red bird!

Clashing Clothes is the prompt for the day in the Daily Creating Group!
Come join us. Prompts are optional.