Daily Creations
True Words! 😹
Cute watercolor tabby cat with fortune cookie!
Road Trip! One more time before summer is over! Happy #caturday 😻
Cute watercolor cats and birds in a cut paper car on a road trip!
Caturday is the prompt for the day in the Daily Creating Group.
Join us! Prompts are optional. https://www.facebook.com/groups/dailycreating
Full Tree!
Cute watercolor cats in a tree!
Back to School! Happy #caturday 😻
Cute watercolor cats riding in a school bus!
Summer Vacation!
Cute watercolor kitties at the beach with drinks, umbrella, flowers and palm tree!
Dressage! Happy Olympic #caturday 😻🐴
Cute watercolor cat and horse playing dressage!
Unauthorized Spectator!
Cute watercolor cats Olympic rowing with a snorkeling cat spectator!
Kitty Tubing! A lesser known Olympic sport! ;)
Cute watercolor cats inner tubing with rubber duck!
Squinty! Happy #caturday !
Cute watercolor tabby cat and bird!
Tabby Nature!
Cute watercolor tabby and bird in nature!
Kitty Wagoneer!
Cute watercolor cats, bird and mouse in a wagoneer station wagon!
Hammock Cats!
Cute watercolor cats and birds in a hammock with plants.